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UL Listed vs. UL Certified – Which is Better

You have probably met with the “UL” sign while purchasing some products. This is especially with electronics related products.

It signifies that the products you are using are safe for consumer handling.

What does UL Stand for?

UL is an abbreviation that stands for underwriter laboratories. It is also identified as the “UL” mark.  The UL organization is among the parties that help ensure safety of consumer products before they get to the final consumer.

This is achieved by subjecting the intended products to various testing standards. After the product has passed these tests, it is branded with the “UL” mark.

To help you identify this mark, check a for “UL” mark usually encircled in black.

These are products that are mostly used on a day to day basis. They range from fire restraint systems to home beauty products.

What UL Listed Mean?

UL Listing
UL Listing

UL listed means that a consumer product has passed the UL standards as well as the national standards for safety.

Therefore a UL listed mark means that a product is free from risks associated with;

  • Electronic shock
  • Fire in a division 2 environment prone to ignitable concentrations.It also means the product has undergone tests concerning its functionality and durability. The tests are extremely thorough and rigorous. They include;
  • Tests against insulation. This test applies to materials and barriers.
  • Grounding tests. This is tested against general materials, as well as  terminal size, and circuit conductors.
  • Tests against Corrosion protection
  • Live part securement/support test

Therefore, as a consumer, having products that are UL listed means you have a safe product for use.

If you are a manufacturer and your products qualify as UL listed, the brand image of your products is top tier.

However, there is another UL mark known as the UL recognition mark. It is often confused with the UL listed mark. The UL recognizance mark is usually used to help authenticate quality of parts of machines.

UL recognized products are majorly components used to help manufacture another product. As a result, the final consumer is unlikely to come across the UL recognition mark. This is because they are not used on final consumer products but rather on parts used to make these products.

The UL recognition mark majorly helps the manufacturer acquire quality products as raw materials for production of their final product.

It has been proven that the UL listed mark is much more difficult to attain than the UL recognition mark.  Examples of products that need UL recognition include;

  • Circuit boards
  • Transistors
  • Power supplies
  • Diodes
  • Connectors and terminals
  • Mass flow controllers

Meaning of UL Certified?

UL Certified
UL Certified

UL certified collectively seeks to incorporate the concepts of UL listed, UL recognized and an additional one, the UL classified.

UL classified is only for products that have been subjected to one test.

UL certified products may undergo tests under the following conditions;

  • Cold
  • Heat
  • Longevity
  • UV resistance

Thus, for UL certification, it incorporates, products, component products or even facilities that have passed UL tests.

Difference between UL Listed and UL Certified

There is no major difference between UL listed and UL certified. This is because, UL listed products have undergone the most strict standards of tests to ensure product safety for consumer.

As pointed out earlier, UL listed products directly meet the end user.

On the other hand UL certified generally represents all the three types of testing. Thus;

  • UL listed
  • UL classified
  • UL recognized

It is easy to confuse UL certified for UL approved. However, it is worth to note that UL approved is just another mark used by UL. However, it is mainly used by third parties to imply compliance with safety standards.

Comparing UL Listed, UL Certified and UL Recognized

UL ListedUL Certified UL Recognized
l UL Listed is for products that are for the final consumer.


l   They include machinery and power supplies.


l   They are whole and complete products

l   UL Certified collectively indicates that a component, product, system, process, personnel, or facility has passed desired UL certification process.·         UL Recognized is for component parts.

·         These pars are used in completing a machine or an end user product.


Importance of UL Certification

  • UL certification helps guarantee reliability and quality of products
  • UL certification also offers continuous audits to help ensure quality and safety of products is maintained.
  • It also an in-comparable track record. This is because its test standards are more superior to other test standards in the market.

Importance of UL Listing

UL listing offers the same benefits as UL certification offers.

This includes guaranteed quality and safe products as well as continuous safety and quality audits from UL team. For this reason, all products must conform to certain safety standards.

How to obtain UL Listing and UL Certifications

The following steps are crucial to obtaining a UL listing and UL certification;

1. Registration

This entails visiting the UL website. Afterwards, you will need to create your UL profile in the website. Thereafter, you can begin filling the appropriate forms to start the registration process.

2. Sample Sending

Carefully pack a sample of your product and send to UL for the necessary testing.

3. UL Testing

Once the product gets to the labs, it undergoes the necessary tests. If the product fails the tests it is sent back for further improvements and resubmission.

When the product passes the tests, UL will issue you with the necessary certification and authorize you to use their UL listed or UL recognized mark.

4. Regular Audits

After you have been certified, UL will conduct regular audits to ensure manufactured products still comply.

The whole process is complex as well as expensive. However, it is an important process as it adds reliability and improves quality for your products.

Requirements for UL Listing vs. UL Certification

There are no particular laws set to ensure that your products are UL listed or UL certified. Hence, UL listing and UL certifications are not a requirements by law.

However, UL has set the necessary standards that UL listed products should meet. Therefore, working closely with the authority to ensure UL standards for both UL listed and UL certified is key.

This is an important procedure that aims to credit your products and organization. They help ensure quality and most importantly assure safety of products to consumers.

Products that are UL Listed and UL Certified

UL Listed Products UL Certified Products
· Carbon monoxide detectors

· Smoke detectors

· Furnaces

· Sprinkler systems

·  Electrical devices

· Life jackets

· Heaters

· Bullet resistant glass

· Computer equipment

· Machinery

· External power adapters

· IT equipment

· Smart phones

· Audio equipment

· Slip resistant floors

· Flame resistant clothing



UL listed, UL recognized and UL certified are UL certifications for different products. To help you have a product that has achieved the desired UL standards, inquire with UL team.

UL Standards – Source: WIKIPEDIA

UL Marks for North America – Source: UL

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