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2024 Aluminum Alloy – Properties & Applications

2024 Aluminum Alloy

If you are fabricating aerospace aluminum parts, then it is time to consider aluminum 2024. It has superior chemical and physical properties.

In this guide, you will find all information about Alu 2024 grade – from properties, benefits, fabrication information to applications.

Alu Alloy 2024 Overview

2024 Alu is distinguished for copper content. It is a popular aerospace grade material.

The aluminum has copper serving as main alloying element.

Magnesium, silicon, and manganese are present in lesser amounts.

Aluminum Alloy 2024 Sheet
Aluminum Alloy 2024 Sheet

Why use Aluminum Grade 2024

• High Strength

It has better strength and lightweight.

• Fatigue Resistance

Excellent ability to withstand strain and stress breaking.

• Machinability

Aluminum 2024 is the best material for making intricate components and structures since it is simple to machine.

• Corrosion Protection

Since it resists corrosion well, aluminum 2024 is appropriate for usage in outdoor and maritime settings.

• Lightweight

Compared to other metals, aluminum 2024 is lightweight, which makes it perfect for applications where weight is prime, including in the aerospace and automotive sectors.

• Weldability

You can use many techniques to weld aluminum 2024, including resistance welding, gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), and gas metal arc welding (GMAW).

• Availability

Aluminum 2024 is a common choice for many sectors since it is easily obtainable and accessible.

Mechanical Properties of 2024 Aluminum

Due to its mechanical qualities, including its tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, and fatigue strength, 2024 aluminum is frequently used in applications where strength, durability, and light weight are crucial.

Heat treatment and cold working can further enhance these qualities.

Grade 2024 Temper AluminumProperties
2024-O· 13 kilo-pound per square inch tensile strength (90 Mega Pascal)

· Yield strength of 5 kilo-pound per square inch (35 Mega Pascal)

· 20% elongation

2024-T3· 68 kilo-pound per square inch for tensile strength (469 Mega Pascal)

· 47 kilo-pound per square inch of yield strength (324 Mega Pascal)

· 12% elongation

2024-T4· 64 kilo-pound per square inch is the tensile strength (441 Mega Pascal)

· 42 kilo-pound per square inch of yield strength (290 Mega Pascal)

· 14% elongation

2024-T5· 66 kilo-pound per square inch for tensile strength (455 Mega Pascal)

· 46 kilo-pound per square inch of yield strength (317 Mega Pascal)

· 11% elongation

2024-T351· 74 kilo-pound per square inch for tensile strength (510 Mega Pascal)

· 54 kilo-pound per square inch of yield strength (370 Mega Pascal)

· 10% elongation


2024 Aluminum Alloy Heat Treatment Benefits

· Improved strength and hardness

The process makes the aluminum alloy best for high stress applications.

· Increased resilience to wear

2024 aluminum’s wear resistance can be increased by heat treatment, making it appropriate for use in parts that experience heavy wear and tear.

· Better formability

The formability of 2024 aluminum can be improved by heat treatment, making it simpler to shape and form into various parts and components.

· Better machinability

The machinability of 2024 aluminum can also be enhanced with heat treatment, making it simpler to machine and process.

When heat treated, this alloy exhibits better durability and mechanical strength.

Alu 2024 Compared vs 6061 Aluminum – How they Compare

· Strength

2024 aluminum is better suited for applications requiring high strength than 6061 aluminum because it has a higher strength-to-weight ratio.

· Machinability

The lower strength and softer qualities of 6061 aluminum make it simple to process than 2024 aluminum.

· Corrosion Resistance

The 6061 series performs better than 2024 Alu.

· Weldability

You can successfully weld both alloys, although 6061 aluminum is simple due to its higher heat conductivity and lower strength.

· Cost

In general, 6061 aluminum costs less than 2024 aluminum, making it a more economical choice in some circumstances.

6021 Aluminum Rods
6021 Aluminum Rods

2024 Aluminum Element Composition

Elements vary in composition by weight. Among the key constituents include:

· Aluminum (Al)

Is forms a bigger percentage in the Alu grade.

· Nickel (Cu)

2024 aluminum alloy’s second-most prevalent ingredient is copper, which gives the alloy its high strength and outstanding fatigue resistance.

· Calcium (Mg)

Magnesium, another crucial component of 2024 aluminum, gives the alloy its superior corrosion resistance and enhanced weldability.

· Zinc (Zn)

Tiny components of 2024 aluminum and zinc give the alloy more strength and a better defense against stress corrosion cracking.

· Additional Trace Elements

Other trace elements, including iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), and titanium (Ti), are also present in minimal levels in 2024 aluminum and can significantly affect its performance and mechanical qualities.

The composition of aluminum 2024 will change based on the particular production method and the alloy’s intended qualities.

Chemical Composition of 2024 Aluminum
Chemical Composition of 2024 Aluminum

How 2024 Aluminum vs 7075 Aluminum Compare

Two well-liked aluminum alloys with widespread applications across several sectors are 2024 aluminum and 7075 aluminum.

Some contrasts between the two are:


7075 Alu has better strength than 2024.

Fatigue Resistance

2024 has better fatigue resistance than Alu 7075.

Resistance to Corrosion

Both alloys withstand corrosion, except 2024 aluminum is less resistant than 7075 aluminum to air corrosion.


Due to its lower strength and softer characteristics, you can machine 2024 aluminum more easily than 7075 aluminum.


Both alloys are weldable, though, because of their greater strength and poorer thermal conductivity, 7075 aluminum is trickier to weld than 2024 aluminum.

7075 Aluminum Plate
7075 Aluminum Plate


2024 aluminum is less costly than 7075 aluminum, making it a more economical choice in some circumstances.

Aluminium 2024 Physical Properties

· Density

Aluminum 2024 has a comparatively low density of 2.78 g/cm3 (0.100 lb/in3) compared to other


· Melting level

The melting point of aluminum 2024 is 535 °C (995 °F).

· Temperature Sensitivity

At room temperature, aluminum 2024 has a thermal conductivity of 120 W/ (m•K), which indicates

that it effectively transmits heat.

· Conductivity of Electricity

Aluminum’s electrical conductivity in 2024 is around 34% lower than copper’s.

· Temperature Coefficient of Expansion

Aluminum 2024 has a thermal expansion coefficient of 23.1 x 10-6/°C (12.8 x 10-6/°F). Meaning, it expands and contracts as a function of temperature.

· Qualities of Magnetism

As aluminum 2024 is not magnetic, magnets are not attracted to it.

· Appearance

The silver-gray look of aluminum 2024 is polished to a brilliant sheen.

Nonetheless, aluminum 2024 is versatile for different applications due to its low density and electrical and effective thermal conductivity.

It’s a popular option because of its non-magnetic qualities and appealing look.

Aluminum Grade 2024 Corrosion Resistance Properties

Even though aluminum alloys are corrosion resistant, it is worth mentioning:

· Environmental Corrosion

Aluminum 2024 is resistant to atmospheric corrosion, but in conditions with high humidity, saltwater, or industrial contaminants, corrosion can take place.

· Galvanic Corrosive

When in contact with other metals or alloys in a corrosive environment, aluminum 2024 is vulnerable to galvanic corrosion.

You can reduce this by separating aluminum from the other metals or applying protective coatings.

· Cracking due to Stress Corrosion

When the alloy is stressed and exposed to a corrosive environment, aluminum 2024 is vulnerable to stress corrosion cracking.

Reduce by reducing the material’s stress and avoiding corrosive conditions.

· Anodizing

Aluminum 2024 can be anodized to increase resistance to corrosion and provide color or other ornamental qualities.

Altogether, aluminum grade 2024 has strong qualities for resisting corrosion, yet, in some circumstances, it needs to be protected.

corrosion resistance properties of aluminum 2024
Corrosion Resistance Properties of Aluminum 2024

Surface treatments may improve corrosion resistance. A good example it anodizing.

Forming and Machining Aluminum Grade 2024

FormabilityAluminum 2024 is excellent, especially in annealed or soft tempers.
Hot WorkingThe temperature must be between 400 and 500 °C (750 and 930 °F).
Cold WorkingStandard techniques use chilly work aluminum 2024, while harsher tempers restrict its ductility.
MachinabilityAlthough having exceptional surface finishes, aluminum 2024 can be challenging to machine.
WeldabilityAluminum 2024 weld using conventional techniques, although preheating and post-weld heat treatment may be necessary.
BrazingAluminum 2024 can be brazed using conventional techniques.
SolderingAluminum 2024 can be soldered using conventional techniques.

Forms Aluminum 2024 Exist

There are several varieties of aluminum grade 2024, including;

· Sheets and Plates

Sheets and plates of aluminum 2024 with thicknesses ranging from 0.016 inches to 6 inches are frequently on hand.

· Extrusions

Angles, channels, and tubes are just a few examples of the many forms and profiles that aluminum 2024 can extrude.

· Rods and Bars

Round, square, and rectangular bars and rods with diameters ranging from 0.25 inches to 12 inches are made of aluminum 2024.

· Forgings

Aluminum 2024 can be forged into different forms, including discs, rings, and blocks.

· Wire

Aluminum 2024 is available in wire form and can be utilized for brazing or welding tasks.

Aluminum Grade 2024 Applications

It is worth mentioning you can use this grade for virtually all applications. Some common applications include:

Aerospace industry – fuselage, wings, landing gear and other parts are fabricated from this alloy.

Automotive industry – The automobile sector uses aluminum 2024 for wheels, suspension components, and engine elements.

In the construction business – Aluminum 2024 is for structural elements like columns, beams, and roof trusses.

Sports equipment – Aluminum 2024 makes sports gear like ski poles, bicycle frames, and baseball bats.

Ship building Industry – Boat hulls, decks, and masts are made with aluminum 2024 in the maritime sector.

Electricity industry – Connectors and electrical conductors are made of aluminum 2024.

Industry for machining and tooling – Because of its high strength and outstanding machinability, use aluminum 2024 to make tools and fixtures.


Clearly, 2024 aluminum alloy play an integral role in modern metal fabrication processes. Since you know the main properties of this aluminum alloy, you can easily decide whether it is suitable for your applications or not.

For any questions or inquiries, contact us now.

More Resourcing:

2024 Aluminum  – Source: ThomasNet

2024 Alu Alloy – Source: Wikipedia

Aluminum 2024 – Source: Xometry

Aluminum Alloys – Source: AZO Materials

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